4 Ways a Healthy Sex Life Promotes Healthy Hair

4 Ways a Healthy Sex Life Promotes Healthy Hair

At Lu, we're all about doing what it takes to improve your hair health. Using the right products that are free of harsh chemicals, like your favorite Lu collections, is a step in the right direction. Regular trims at the salon, a healthy diet, and protecting your hair from the elements can help. But sex? You might be surprised to know that your sex life can lead to healthier hair and even promote hair growth. Here's how.

1. Increased Blood Flow Stimulates Hair Follicles

Increased Blood Flow Stimulates Hair FolliclesIt's no secret that sexual arousal promotes blood circulation to key parts of our bodies. And by key body parts, we mean the scalp, of course. What you might not know is that increasing blood flow to the scalp also stimulates your hair follicles. It's the same reason why scalp massages have been found to improve hair thickness in men. Sex is also a form of exercise, and any physical activity is a great way of increasing blood flow to the scalp. This is important because it delivers oxygen and nutrients that promote hair health and prolongs the growth phase of hair. If you had to pick between riding a spin cycle and riding ... Well, you get the idea.

2. Increased Estrogen Can Boost Hair Growth

Increased Estrogen Can Boost Hair Growth

A healthy sex life depends on sex hormones that stimulate desire and kickstart our sex drive. These include estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, and DHEA. Sex often boosts estrogen, which in turn promotes hair growth. Plenty of studies have been conducted on the hormonal effects on hair follicles. It's for this reason that women often experience hair growth during pregnancy, when they're producing higher levels of estrogen, and why some women suffer hair loss during menopause, when estrogen production is depleted.

3. Sex Can Decrease Stress Hormones

Sex Can Decrease Stress Hormones

Speaking of hormones, a healthy sex life does wonders for keeping your stress hormones at bay. The Mayo Clinic reports that hair loss and hair thinning, including alopecia areata, can be associated with high stress levels. Production of cortisol, the primary stress hormone, is increased when you're stressed out. Now, guess when you're not feeling stressed? When your mind and body are focused on something much, much more satisfying.

4. Sex Leads to Good Night's Sleep

Sex Leads to Good Night's Sleep

You know that amazing night's sleep you enjoy after a good romp between the sheets? It could be just what your hair needs. Your body produces melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate the sleep cycle and promotes hair growth. When you sleep, your body regenerates and repairs cells, including hair follicle cells. Sleep also helps with your production of melatonin and Human Growth Hormone (HGH). On the flip side, lack of sleep has been linked to hair loss in both men and women. Male pattern baldness is due in part to genetics, but hormones play an important role. People who suffer regular sleep deprivation can see a drop in their production of HGH, which can in turn contribute to hair loss and thinning hair.

Before you run out looking for ways to "help your hair," let's be real, people. We're not claiming that high levels of sexual activity is guaranteed to give you amazing hair, because that's simply not true. (Lu, on the other hand, has been proven to deliver healthier, shinier, stronger hair.) What is true is that a healthy sex drive has numerous positive effects (beyond the obvious ones) for our bodies, and that includes our hair. So next time you're getting ready to get it on, remember that you're doing your hair a solid, too!