Why Is My Scalp So Greasy All of a Sudden? September 29, 2020LatinUs Beauty Oily hair is completely normal; you have hair follicles and sebaceous glands, which are your hair's natural way of staying hydrated. However, if you are noticing a recent change in...
What Is All the Buzz Around Impossible Keratin™? May 28, 2020Isabel Pelaez Not only is Impossible Keratin™ our star ingredient, but it is also a breakthrough complex that can help any hair type get healthier hair with every single wash. Plant-based collagen and keratin, together...
Why Latinas Matter May 28, 2020LatinUs Beauty Latinas' importance cannot go unnoticed: she is an early adopter, the first to try something new and tell friends and family about it. They are the face of brands across...
Why I Joined As CEO May 28, 2020LatinUs Beauty I joined LatinUs Beauty because I fell in love with the business idea, with the people, and with the opportunity to have fun, doing what I love, with people I...