Does Shaving Your Hair Make it Grow Back Thicker?

Does Shaving Your Hair Make it Grow Back Thicker?

Thinking of shaving your hair? A shaved head has many benefits beyond giving you a daring new look. But does it help with hair loss? Does it make thinning hair grow back thicker? Before you take a razor to your scalp and rock that bald head, read on to learn the myth and the science behind a shaved head.

Does Shaving Make Your Hair Thicker?

Does Shaving Make Your Hair Thicker?

The short answer is no. Shaving your hair won’t make it grow back any thicker because the hair that you can see is actually dead. Hair dies the moment it breaks the surface of your scalp (or any part of your body, for that matter), so unless you use a hair removal treatment that goes beneath the surface of the scalp, you're only slicing off hair that isn’t living anyway, which won’t affect any of its properties, including length, thickness, and color.

While short hair can give the illusion of thickness because it looks bolder than longer hair, it doesn't have anything to do with growing new or thicker hair. Hair growth occurs in four stages. The anagen phase, or growth phase, is when your hair begins to grow from the root. The catagen phase is when hair growth slows down and follicles shrink. The telogen phase occurs when old hair falls out and new hair begins to grow from the same hair follicle. And finally, during the exogen phase, hair is shed from the scalp. As our hair grows out, more of the thinner section entering the telogen phase is on display, so it doesn’t look as thick as shorter hair. That explains why long hair looks thinner than short hair, and also why short hair doesn't equal thicker hair.

Another factor that may lead people to believe shaving your hair can make it thicker is that shorter hair can often appear much darker than longer hair. The reason for this is because shorter hair has had less time exposed to elements like hair tools, products, and even the sun. Fortunately, Lu's hair care products are designed to battle the effects of all three of these elements to help hair look thicker for longer.

The Best Tips for Thicker Hair

The Best Tips for Thicker Hair

Losing hair is a fact of life. We lose around 50 to 100 hairs every day. This is part of the body’s natural renewal cycle. Fortunately, 90% of your hair is actually growing at all times to keep the cycle going. Even though shaving our hair to make it grow back thicker won’t actually work, there are ways we can improve hair thickness without resorting to a buzz cut.

Choose the Right Products

Choose the Right Products

Lu’s hair care products are formulated to actually prolong the first stage of hair growth (the anagen phase), giving you healthy hair for longer. If you need to repair damaged hair, switch to the gold standard for hair nourishment, Lu’s Rescue Collection. By focusing on the root cause of hair damage from chemical dyes and straightening treatments, heat irons and the environment, this collection helps recover your hair to its natural strength and thickness.

Add Keratin

Add Keratin

Hair is made up of 95% keratin, so it’s no wonder that keratin deficiency can lead to hair loss or thinning. You may have seen brands advertising products containing keratin, but did you know that most of them don’t contain enough to rebuild hair and restore its strength? Impossible Keratin™ by Lu goes one step further than other keratin products by actually increasing hair tensile strength, which is its resistance to breakage. Its proprietary formulation made with plant-based keratin helps hair recover its natural strength and thickness quickly.

Use Natural Remedies

Use Natural Remedies

When it comes to thick and healthy hair, it’s always a good idea to listen to abuela. There are numerous natural solutions that help promote new hair growth and recovery. Egg whites are rich in protein and biotin, which help increase elasticity in hair to give it strength and thickness. Many abuelas swear by simply cracking an egg over the head and massaging it into the hair to keep it looking shiny and healthy. Coconut oil works with all hair types, and especially for dry or frizzy hair, because it’s full of fatty acids that help improve texture, repair damaged hair, and restore hair health and shine. Rosemary oil can also help promote nerve growth and blood circulation, which in turn boosts hair thickness.

Change Your Diet

Change Your Diet

In addition to adding Lu to your hair care routine, paying close attention to your protein intake can also help your thinning hair. For example, eggs are rich in vitamin A, biotin, vitamin D, Iron, and protein. Fish is another healthy source of protein, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which are said to improve hair strength.

Lower Your Stress Levels

Lower Your Stress Levels

High levels of stress and anxiety over an extended period of time can lead to more hair being shed than is grown. If stress is causing your hair to fall out, it might be time to start managing your stress levels. There are many ways to calm yourself down naturally, like yoga or mindfulness exercises, which can lead to lower stress levels that in turn will help your hair fight back. Going for a run or hitting the gym has also been shown to reduce stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. When these are lowered, the body can focus on more important things, like promoting new growth.

Closing Thoughts

Shaving your head might be a good thing for you. No more bad hair days, no lengthy hair care routines, and it has that wow factor. Just remember that it takes a long time to grow back hair. If you're lopping off those locks in the hopes of getting thicker, healthier hair, we recommend you give Lu a try instead!