The Nine Worst Things You Can Do to Curly Hair July 10, 2023LatinUs Beauty If you’re a curly girl, you know it takes effort to look as good as you do. With the right hair care routine, there’s nothing more stunning than your curls...
The Safe Way to Make Straight Hair Curly July 10, 2023LatinUs Beauty Is your natural hair straight or curly? If you've got naturally curly hair, you've probably had it straightened at one point or another, and if you've got straight hair, we're...
How To Care for Color-Treated Hair June 28, 2023LatinUs Beauty Hair dye is a great way to showcase your personality, make a statement, or give your style some pop, but what’s the real cost of hair color? Here's the...
Latin Pride: 10 Latinx Icons Who Have Inspired the LGBTQ+ Community June 26, 2023LatinUs Beauty Fashion has long been a powerful form of self-expression, and the LGBTQ+ community has embraced it as a means to showcase their identity and individuality. And for decades, Latin icons...
10 Gender-Neutral Haircuts We ❤️ June 19, 2023LatinUs Beauty Labels are so 20th century, so why do we still put them on haircuts? There’s no rule to say a shaved head won’t suit you just because you identify as...
What is Hair Cycling and Why You Need to Try It June 12, 2023LatinUs Beauty First came skin cycling, a TikTok trend that encourages people to cycle through skincare products over the course of a few days. Then hair cycling arrived on the scene. This...
8 Secrets Your Hairstylist Won't Tell You June 12, 2023LatinUs Beauty A good stylist is a fountain of knowledge. They’ve seen it all before and usually know what your hair needs to look incredible. But, unless your hairstylist is related to...
7 Cottagecore Hairstyles That Are So Spring Ready May 29, 2023LatinUs Beauty The cottagecore trend, also known as farmcore or countrycore, hit the mainstream at the beginning of the pandemic. While locked inside, people started to pine for the seemingly lofty lifestyles...
Can Covid-19 Cause Hair Loss? May 27, 2023LatinUs Beauty Covid-19 has a lot of nasty side effects that range from fatigue and nausea to a loss of smell and taste, but can the novel virus also cause sufferers to...
How to Care for Afro Hair May 27, 2023LatinUs Beauty Afro hair is beautiful. It's remarkably diverse. And it requires work. Black hair is fragile and tends to be dry and brittle, prone to tangling and breakage. And it's worth...
To Mamá: Our First Fashion Icon May 12, 2023LatinUs Beauty For many Latinas (including most of us at Lu), mamá was our introduction to fashion. Whether she was dropping us off at school, making dinner, or preparing for a fiesta,...
10 Timeless Hairstyles Every Latina Mom Has Given Their Daughters May 11, 2023LatinUs Beauty Latina women boast a rich fashion heritage and a long history of lush and lovely hairstyles that have been passed down from mamá to hija for generations. This Mother's...
5 Myths About Hair and Gender May 04, 2023LatinUs Beauty For generations, gender identity has played a role in how people care for, treat, and wear their hair. But, are any of these perceptions about hair and gender true?...
11 Black-Owned Hair Care Products and Brands to Follow in 2023 April 15, 2023LatinUs Beauty In honor of Black History Month, all of us at Lu are celebrating Black entrepreneurs who built beauty brands the right way: with love, vision, and products that work...
8 Travel Size Beauty Essentials on Amazon That Belong in Your Carry-On April 11, 2023LatinUs Beauty Spring is here, and you know what that means. It's time to get out of hibernation and start planning your next vacay! If you're like us, the first thing you're...
Hair Care Tips for An Active Spring Style April 11, 2023LatinUs Beauty Spring is a time of awakening. Outside, temperatures are rising and winter snow has disappeared. Animals begin to stir from hibernation and beautiful flowers are blooming all around. It’s...
Should I Shave My Head? The Benefits of Going Bald April 11, 2023LatinUs Beauty There was a time not too long ago when a shaved head was a fashion statement reserved for macho men trying to look tough or a "drastic" measure for...
Wednesday Vibes: Our Favorite Jenna Ortega Hairstyles April 11, 2023LatinUs Beauty Jenna Marie Ortega has been having a moment, and we are loving it. In 2022, the actor and darling of horror movie fans starred on the big screen in...