Seasonal Hair Loss - What It Is and What You Can Do About It

Seasonal Hair Loss - What It Is and What You Can Do About It

Have you heard of seasonal hair loss? Yes, this is a thing, and there is ample research to support it. People experience seasonal shedding at certain times of the year, especially in the fall and winter months. By contrast, spring and summer are periods of hair growth rather than hair loss. Before you list your house for sale and move to Florida, you should hear the good news first. Seasonal hair shedding is a temporary thing. And here's the even better news: you might be able to take steps to stop your hair from experiencing seasonal loss.

How Does Seasonal Hair Loss Work?

How Does Seasonal Hair Loss Work?

Seasonal changes in your hair have a lot to do with your normal hair cycle. Hair growth occurs in four stages:

1. Anagen: Growth phase

The anagen phase is the longest phase of the life cycle, and contributes to about 90% of the hairs on your hair. During this stage, your hair follicles are pushing out hairs that will continue to grow until they’re cut or until they fall out.

2. Catagen: Transition phase

During this stage, hair separates from the bottom of the hair follicle, follicles shrink, and hair growth slows down.

3. Telogen: Resting phase

In the telogen phase, which typically lasts about three months, hair doesn't grow, but it also doesn’t typically fall out either. In this stage, new hairs start to form in healthy hair follicles that have released hair during the catagen phase.

4. Exogen: Shedding phase

During the exogen phase, hair falls from the scalp. It's normal to lose 50-100 hairs per day during this stage, as new hairs grow in the hair follicles.

So, what does this have to do with seasonal hair loss? Your hair growth cycle coincides with seasonality, with most hair loss occurring during the colder months. Add this to the fact that your hair is at its weakest during this time of year, and it stands to reason that you would experience increased shedding during fall and winter.

Can seasonal allergies cause hair loss?

Can seasonal allergies cause hair loss?

Seasonal hair shedding isn't only limited to fall and winter. Anyone who has experienced spring hair loss may be dealing with the effects of spring allergies, if these allergies are causing stress and irritation to the scalp. This may cause issues like breakage and hair loss. Fortunately, this type of seasonal hair loss is also both temporary and treatable.

How long does seasonal hair loss last?

How long does seasonal hair loss last?

Like the seasons themselves, this type of hair loss typically only lasts two to three months. The fall months are the most susceptible to seasonal shedding. And again, it typically doesn't lead to long-term hair loss. But that doesn't mean you should just accept losing your precious locks.

How to stop seasonal hair loss

How to stop seasonal hair loss

The way to combat seasonal shedding is essentially by adopting healthy hair habits and using products that work with your hair rather than against it.

Take your Vitamin D

Did you know that Vitamin D regulates the production of keratin, the protein that your hair is made of? During the fall and winter, sunlight might be a precious commodity in your neighborhood, but a Vitamin D supplement can help stop the shedding.

Use conditioner

Conditioner helps moisturize and protect the hair follicle, and keeps your scalp clean. Lu's Rescue, Freedom, and Control conditioners are infused with natural ingredients like shatavari, murumuru butter, and moringa seed oil, which are like superfoods for your hair.

Go for regular trims

Let's be clear; trimming your hair does NOT make it grow faster, even if your abuela says otherwise (sorry, abuelita). What regular trims accomplish, besides keeping your mane styled and beautiful - is take care of breakage or split ends that damage the hair shaft, impairing hair growth.

Tame the frizz

The summer months can also cause hair loss, because the extra humidity in the air can lead to frizzy hair. If left untreated, frizz can lead to thinning hair and hair loss. Fortunately, Lu's Control Collection has been custom-formulated to tame the frizz. Made with Murumuru butter and Impossible Keratin™️, Control creates a lightweight barrier that prevents humidity from giving you frizz, and delivers shinier, healthier, and smoother hair.

Wear your hair loose

Women who wear their hair tight, or keep their mane under a tightly worn hat, are causing excess stress to their hair strands. In the winter months, wear your headgear loose or let your hair down to avoid this extra tension to your hair, which can contribute to dry hair and hair loss.

Seasonal hair loss is a problem, but it doesn't have to be a major problem. Follow these tips to help keep your locks looking strong, smooth, and healthy no matter the season.